Научные конференции

Regional Coordinating Council of Wood Science (RCCWS)

Moscow State Forest University

The 5-th RCCWS International Symposium
September 22–25, 2014

The Regional Coordinating Council of Wood Science functioning under the aegis of the International Academy of Wood Science (IAWS) at Moscow State Forest University organizes regular Symposia in the area of wood structure, properties and quality. The 1-st and 2-nd Symposia (1990, 1996) took place at Moscow State Forestry University (Mytischi, Moscow). The 3-d Symposium was held at the Forest Research Institute of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Karelia) in 2000. The 4-th Symposium was held at Saint Petersburg State Forestry Academy in 2004. In 2009 the Plenary Meeting of IAWS and the conference «Forests as a renewable source of vital values for changing world» took place at Saint Petersburg — Moscow.

The subject of Symposium embraces wide scope questions concerning fundamental and applied Wood Science.
The main topics are:

  • morphology, anatomy, physiology;
  • chemical, physical and technological properties;
  • biodeterioration, protection of wood;
  • quality of wood products and constructions;
  • standardization and certification.

Professional Guarantee of the SymposiumProf., Dr. Boris Ugolev, FIAWS Moscow State Forest University.

In Symposium framework annual session of Regional Coordination Council on Wood Science will be held.

Languages: Russian, English Abstracts of the Symposium will be published before the start of the Symposium. The best papers by the decision of the Scientific Committee will be published in the journal “Bulletin of the Moscow State Forest University — Forestry Bulletin”. Proceedings of the Symposium will be published after the Symposium.

Symposium fee: 250 €

For each delegate, the registration fee will cover the attendance of the sessions, one copy of the Symposium Proceedings, entry to the social evening, all other launches, coffee breaks and excursions.