Научные конференции

Regional Coordinating Council of Wood Science (RCCWS)

Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Mytishchi branch)

International scientific and technical conference
"Ecological aspects of the use of wood as a natural renewable resource",
dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia
September 27–29, 2017

Dear colleagues!

Mytishchi Branch of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bauman Moscow State Technical University" (BMSTU) is welcoming for taking part in International scientific and technical conference "Ecological aspects of the use of wood as a natural renewable resource", dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia.

In the framework of the conference, an annual session of the Regional Coordinating Council of Wood Science (RCCWS) will be held.

Working languages of the conference are Russian and English.

Conference sections

  1. Structure, properties and quality of wood and wood materials
  2. Ecological aspects of forest management and reforestation
  3. Progressive technologies of logging industries
  4. Innovative environmentally friendly technologies of wood processing industries
  5. New materials and technologies of wooden housing construction
The Conference Proceedings will be included in the bibliographic database of Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).According to the decision of the Programme Committee the best papers will be published in the journal "Forest Bulletin" (No. 4, 2017, https://les-vest.mf.bmstu.ru/eng).

Important dates

May 20, 2017: Registration and submission of papers and/or posters.

May 25, 2017: Decision on the acceptance of papers and/or posters. You will be informed via e-mail.

July 5, 2017: Decision of Programme Committee on the acceptance of papers for publication in the journal "Forest Bulletin" (No. 4, 2017). You will be informed via e-mail.

September 27–29, 2017: International scientific and technical conference "Ecological aspects of the use of wood as a natural renewable resource". Conference fee: 200 €

For each delegate the registration fee will cover the attendance of the sessions, one copy of the Conference Proceedings, entry to the social evening, all other launches, coffee breaks and excursions.