More than a quarter of the world’s forests are found in Russia and the countries of Central and Northeast Asia. These forests include approximately two-thirds of the world’s taiga or boreal forests, as well as extensive temperate broadleaf and mixed forests, forest-steppe and steppe, shrub-lands, and semi-arid forests. They are home to some of the world’s most important areas for conservation of biodiversity and sustain forest-based economies, livelihoods and rich cultural traditions of diverse local communities and indigenous peoples. Forest research and education in the region also has a long and distinguished history dating back to the early 1800s, and its scientists have made important contributions to global forest science to this day.
To meet challenges to conservation and sustainable management of the region’s forests require the best available scientific knowledge and expertise. This IUFRO regional conference, organized in collaboration with IBFRA and IFSA, will bring together scientists, educators and students from throughout Russia, countries of the Central and Northeast Asia region, and around the world to share their knowledge and expertise related to innovative management of the region’s forests and the restoration of healthy, productive and sustainable forest landscapes.
The working language for the conference will be English, but Russian translation will be available for selected conference sessions.