23–25 September 2022
Moscow, Russian Federation

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The Conference program will be developed along the following broad topics:

Innovative Forest Inventory, Remote Sensing and GIS
  • Spatial technology
  • Digital/precision forestry
  • Remote sensing applications for forest inventories
  • Forestry applications of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
Virgin, Old growth and Protected Forests
  • Role in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services
  • Management and restoration of these special forests
  • Ecology of primeval forests
Forest Landscapes and Restoration
  • Forest restoration technologies for difficult terrain
  • Greening and ecosystem restoration in arid and semi-arid areas
  • Scope of assisted migration in landscape restoration and adaptive forest management
Sustainable Forest Management
  • Forest certification
  • Management of the Forests of Russia and Central Asia
  • Sustainable forest management: plantations, operations, traditional knowledge, governance
  • Ecosystem services assessment, management, trade-offs
  • Protection and conservation of forest genetic resources
Forest Disturbance and Climate Change
  • Climate-smart forestry
  • Insects and pathogens — invasions, pandemics, causes, cures, forest diversity
  • Urban and peri-urban forest health
  • Climate change, megafires, and air pollution: impacts and resilience
  • Forest landscape restoration after large scale disturbances
Social and Economic Factors
  • Fragmentation, forest tenure, and other drivers of forest transition
  • Social, cultural, spiritual values of forests
  • Forest landscapes serving recreation, tourism, and urban users
  • Illegal logging and illegal trade in timber, wildlife, and forest tree planting material
Technological Advances for Forest Management/Restoration
  • Technological advances in forest industry
  • Forest biotechnology: clonal plantations, genomic selection
  • Wood and wood-based materials: machining, drying, quality, properties
  • Decision support models for management decisions and landscape restoration